We would like to invite you to be an exhibitor or advertiser for an exciting ministry and missions event called The Next Mile “Gonna Stay Dif4rnt” conference. Each  conference is hosted by select churches and organizations around the U.S. and offered to the regional community.  The Next Mile conferences are designed reach a multi-generational audience of high school and adults who have served on short-term missions, at Christian camps or studied abroad as well as church and pastoral leadership.

This one-day conference is the first of its kind devoted entirely to post-ministry follow-through. Serving on a short-term mission team or any short-term ministry reawakens our passion for God and being a part of His work. Yet, KEEPING THE FLAME ALIVE beyond that experience is tough and cannot be done alone. While some provide a “debriefing” event there is much more that can be done after the ministry to help individuals
take The Next Mile in their walk with Christ. You can be a part of an IMPACTING ONE DAY CONFERENCE that allows participants to process their missions or ministry experience and explore how to apply what they’ve learned back home. Let’s commit to go THE NEXT MILE in our spiritual pilgrimage with the Lord.

There are seminars applicable to those who participate as short-term team members, for missions leadership within the church and for churches that seek to launch a missions ministry in their church.  The purpose is to encourage and challenge individuals to stay strong in their walk with the Lord beyond their short-term mission. Your ministry can be part of this conference by providing a practical connecting point as an exhibitor or advertiser that may be The Next Mile in their life. The opportunities and resources that your ministry offers could be the key to where God is leading some of these attendees. How can you do reach these individuals? The options available to you are:

Notebook Sponsor:  Each participant will receive a three ring conference binder. As a notebook sponsor, your 8 ½ x 11 advertisement will be on the back sleeve of the conference notebook. Your organization will receive special mention from the platform and a PowerPoint w/ logo showing on the big screen. Flyers need to be received in our office by two weeks prior to conference date.

Notebook Advertiser:  Each participant will receive a three ring conference binder. As a notebook advertiser, you can provide a three hole punched, 8 ½ x 11 advertisement of your choice to be added to each conference binder.

Exhibitor:  Exhibitors will have an 8 ft table and one chair provided along with a conference packet that includes one conference registration that provides a notebook, t-shirt, lanyard and lunch.

  • Exhibit Space – Upon arrival, please register at The Next Mile information/registration table. After you have registered you will be directed to the exhibit area you have been assigned. There are limited exhibit spaces with electricity and an electrical space may require an additional fee for electricity. Your organization must provide any table coverings or electrical cords.
  • Give-A-Ways – You may have give-a-ways at your booth. If you would like everyone attending to have something we can discuss options of how we can make this happen.
  • Conference Registration – With the Exhibit fee you will receive one registration which will allow admission to general sessions and seminars. If you wish for an additional person to join you at your booth then you would need to register and pay for the person separately.

Registration Form

Next Mile Conference Exhibitor & Ad Registration
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Notebook Sponsor $0.00

Notebook Advertiser $0.00

Exhibitor $0.00